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On February 26, PE Teacher and ITTF Level One Coach Ralph Stowe organized an in-house table tennis competition at the Bequia Community High School.


PE Teacher Ralph Stowe (left) in European Champion Dimitrij Ovtcharov’s Sponsored T-Shirt, and Local Coordinator Rodney Caruth (right) in Former Number 1 World Champion Vladimir Samsonov’s T-Shirt.

After only seven weeks since the start of the Bequia pilot project, Mr. Stowe’s students have shown tremendous improvement and dedication to the sport.

The Blue, Green and Red teams were each made up of four boys and two girls competing against each other in a series of matches and skills tests so that players were at all times collecting points for their teams. In the end, the X team won with a total of X points!

Thanks to a generous donation by Board Chair Wendy Leighton, the Bequia Community High School now has a perfect sports hall with five tables that are always in use over breaks and lunch. With such a great PE teacher, it’s no surprise that students are taking full advantage of the remodelled space!

Thank you so much for your passion, Ralph. Keep up the positive work!